The Go-Away Bird

The Go-Away bird sits in her nest looking strong and proud, and as other birds fly to the tree wanting to be friends, she sends them away.  It is not until the Go-Away bird is visited by the Get-You bird that she realises how important friends are.

Baz & Benz

Baz & Benz are a big and small owl, Baz is blue and Benz is green.  Baz asks Benz would they still be the best of friends if he was purple with spots, a scary bat, or was to make annoying sounds? What do you think Benz says?

Santa Claus Vs The Easter Bunny

Who would have thought that the Easter Bunny would get his knickers in a knot and be so jealous of Santa Clause? I know, I was surprised too, I have always thought of them as being the cheeriest best of friends, living in harmony, and enjoying the celebrations of each other’s jobs.

When I’m Older

So before I get any older I plan on sharing this book with as many people as I can, which I hope inspires everyone to encourage children to be as free and whimsical in their imagination of what they want to be someday...or even today.

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